Solar Eclipse Day (Summitville)
On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will plunge much of Indiana into momentary darkness. Here in Madison County, we will get to experience 100% total darkness for about 3 minutes around 3pm. How awesome! The Ralph E Hazelbaker Library is getting ready for this big and exciting day. Join us from 1-5pm for a fun afternoon of solar eclipse activities! Here is our schedule of events for the day:
1-2pm: Chair Yoga (adults)
2-4pm: Making solar eclipse shirts (sign-up and shirt size required by April 1st. Come in or call to sign-up) and playing elipse games (all ages)
3pm: Watching the eclipse together* (all ages)
4-5pm: Goosebumps- Kids are welcome to join us for craft, story, game, and craft (K-6th Grade)
*We will have solar eclipse glasses available (while supplies last) for anyone that needs them during this program. You must use your glasses at the library and return to our librarians upon the completion of this event